, a 2D shooter with an armed forces theme, is available. The game's concept is similar to Lordz IO, but the focus on battles and not base development makes it less complex.'s mastery requires fast reflexes as well as a sharp eye for strategy. Your job is to build armies and then engage other players in combat. At first, you could choose only from five different types of troops. With gold, you can unlock additional troops. Making money is possible by earning points in battles and through point chests. The soldiers can buy a number of different levels. Defence Forces Ensure the safety of the commander and that you get the ball in first.
You must use the numeric keys to enroll troops. With each soldier, you will lose some points. places a cap on how many troops you have. When you exit the game or die, your points are converted to gold, which may be okay in some cases, like when you've earned enough points to unlock new troops and come back to the game. Next, you unlock the new units.
How To Play
- Keyboard control Move : WASD Soldier Summon: 1-9 a-z
- Attack : Mouse
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